
Production Of Hides, Skins, Wool And Hair

Price GBP 375.95

Author Matheiew Richards

ISBN 9781839370274

Binding Hardcover

Year 2013

About The Book

"Leather Technology deals with the technical aspects of making leather from raw hides and skins. Basically it is a conversion process involving a number of operations. The operations (methodology, sequencing, controlling parameters, etc.) varies according to the type of leather to be produced. These operations solely depend upon the tanning method involved. These qualities are obtained either by the choice of skin or by variation of the sequence of tanning operations. Leather, skin, and fur belonged to one of the most important material groups in prehistory to serve different human needs. Leather, similarly to textiles and wood, is a perishable material and rarely survives.

This book fully covers the leather items (hides, skins and wool) need and production in current era. The book contains seven chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on hide and skin production. It focuses on leather skin and products, tanning of different animal skins/hides, the morphological characteristics of hides and skins, and the method for processing of hides or skins into leather for production. Chapter 2 covers procedure of leather harvesting from farm to factory. Chapter 3 focuses raw wool measurement in leather industry. This chapter evaluate the measurement of wool’s raw and material. Chapter 4 explores the fundamental concept of woolen yarn and also focuses on the history of wool making. Chapter 5 explores the fundamental concept of wool yarn and also consume the materials which are used in the manufacture of wool items and product. Chapter 6 focuses on wool quality traits and assessment. These assessment covers wool skirting, grading, classing, and sorting strategy, these strategies are post-shearing activities that can enhance the value of any wool clip; however, unless the people performing these operations are trained and skilled, damage and economic losses can occur. Chapter 7 covers the various innovation in wool. It focuses on consumer demand and new technology drives in wool innovation"

About The Editor

Matheiew Richards pursued his Master's in Leather Technology from University of Science, Montana. His research interests are in hides, skins, manufacturing wool products and hair products. He has served as a Guest Lecturer at various universities across America and Europe. His main scientific contributions include innovations in wool, hides and skins as a by-product. Richards consistently shares his knowledge with the researcher fraternity by organizing lectures and conferences around the globe.


Preface IX
Chapter 1 Production of Hides, Skins 1
1.1 Hide or Skin 2
1.2 History of Hides and Skins
Production 14
1.3 Hides and Skins as a by-Product 16
1.4 Cowhide 22
1.5 Fur - Fur skin 26
1.7 Calfskin 36
Summary 41
Multiple Choice Questions 42
Review Questions 43
References 44
Chapter 2 Farm to Factory 45
2.1 Wool production and harvesting 46
2.2 The Impact of Sheep Breed On Wool Type and Its Key Quality Characteristics 68
Summary 81
Multiple Choice Questions 82
Review Questions 83
References 84
Chapter 3 Raw Wool Measurement 85
3.1 Raw Wool Measurements:
Specification or Quality Assurance 86
3.2 Wool Measurements and Characteristics 93
Summary 114
Multiple Choice Questions 115
Review Questions 116
Remember 117
Chapter 4 Manufacturing Wool Yarns 119
4.1 A Short History of Yarn Making 120
4.2 What is wool? 129
4.3 Concept of Woollen Yarn 140
Summary 149
Multiple Choice Questions 150
Review Questions 151
References 152
Chapter 5 Manufacturing Wool Products 153
5.1 Raw Materials 154
5.2 The Manufacturing Process 156
5.3 Advances Manufacture of Nonwoven Wool 160
Summary 177
Multiple Choice Questions 179
Review Questions 180
References 181
Chapter 6 Quality of Wool and Hair Products 183
6.1 Wool Quality Evaluation
and Manufacturing Processes 184
6.2 Sheep Wool Quality Traits 194
6.3 Wool Quality Assessment 202
Summary 219
Multiple Choice Questions 219
Review Questions 220
References 221
Chapter 7 Innovations in Wool 223
7.1 Wool Fiber Attributes 224
7.2 Innovations Propelling Wool Forward into a New Decade 239
7.3 Brilliant Innovations in Merino Wool Clothing 242
7.4 Consumer Demand and New Technology Drives Wool Innovation 245
Summary 252
Multiple Choice Questions 253
Review Questions 254
References 255
Index 257