
Conservation Of Leather And Related Materials

Price GBP 399.95

Author Agatha Daniel

ISBN 9781839370151

Binding Hardcover

Year 2020

About The Book

"The conservation and restoration of leather objects is the process of investigating causes of deterioration followed by the best practices of cleaning and restoration to ensure the future protection of leather objects for use or display. Leather is a manufactured product that can be made from the skin of any living creature using a variety of methods. Because the last fifty years have brought great changes in the processing of leather. Leather is a particularly difficult material to conserve. Where conservation of leather is concerned one cannot regard it as just a single material. Part of the reason for this difficulty is because one must consider the nature of the raw hide and the processes involved in its being made into leather. Within the last five to ten years, conservators have moved away from the interventive approach and devoted more attention towards the preventive approach for working with leather objects.

The book covers all aspects of skin and leather preservation. The examination of the chemistry of leather and its deterioration over time has been explained in detail. The text in this book is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on the nature and quality of leather. It also explain the properties of leather and evaluate the fiber structure of leather. Chapter 2 sheds light on testing leathers and related materials. Moreover, determination of raw material and the manufacture of leather is also given. A focus on social position of leatherworks is given. Chapter 3 focuses on the tools and techniques of leatherworking. We will take a look into all of the leather working tools. A specialist leather conservator will therefore need an understanding of the methods employed by leatherworkers. In addition, conservation and restoration treatments may require repair and replication of damaged and missing areas so knowledge and some experience with the techniques and tools of leatherworking are essential. Chapter 4 sheds light on furs and furriery structure, morphology, dressing and making. A critical look on conservation and care is also given. Chapter 5 explores on the conservation of Parchment. This chapter describes the nature of parchment and its characteristics, in particular those that have a direct influence on its preservation and conservation. The different forms in which parchment has been used are summarized, and features of these that influence preservation are included. Also included is a review of conservation treatments and how they have developed. Chapter 6 is conservation of leather bookbindings. Successful conservation of leather bookbindings, unlike the treatment of many other types of cultural artefacts intended primarily for exhibition and storage, requires books be returned to a functional state. Chapter 7 is the conservation of archaeological leather. The demand for leather goods such as handbags, clothing, gloves, and household items has grown. Although the rising cost of raw materials has impaired profit margins, the leather goods market is forecast to continue to expand. To provide transparency for maintaining the quality and value of leather goods in the global supply chain, it has become necessary to verify the specific animal origin of such products.

About The Editor

Agatha Daniel is a Research Professor at University College, Bahia. She holds a Ph.D. Degree in Chemical Engineering from State University of Science, Yucatan. She has more than a decade of experience in the chemical and leather industry. Her academic and research interests lie in leatherwork, tanning, green chemistry and environmental chemistry. Daniel has contributed numerous articles and papers in the field of leather nature, conservation of parchment, conservation of archaeological leather, which have been published in international scientific journals.


Preface IX
Chapter 1 Leather: Nature and Structure 1
1.1 The Nature and Quality of Leather 2
1.2 Properties of Leather 14
1.3 The Fiber Structure of Leather 24
Summary 39
Multiple Choice Questions 40
Review Questions 41
References 42
Chapter 2 Testing Leathers and Related Materials 43
2.1 Determination of Raw Material 44
2.2 The Manufacture of Leather 54
2.3 The Social Position of Leatherworks 68
Summary 79
Multiple Choice Questions 80
Review Questions 81
References 82
Chapter 3 The Tools and Techniques of Leather Working 83
3.1 Leatherworking Tools 84
3.2 Adhesives 99
3.3 Reinforcements 101
3.4 Techniques 103
Summary 111
Multiple Choice Questions 112
Review Questions 114
References 115
Chapter 4 Furs and Furriery 117
4.1 Structure, Morphology, Dressing and Making 120
4.2 Conservation And Care 142
Summary 158
Multiple Choice Questions 159
Review Questions 160
References 161
Chapter 5 Conservation of Parchment 163
5.1 Parchment Production and Use 164
5.2 Chemical, Physical and Deterioration Characteristics 171
5.3 Display and Storage 180
5.4 Conservation Treatments 181
Summary 202
Multiple Choice Questions 203
Review Questions 204
References 205
Chapter 6 Conservation of Leather Bookbindings 207
6.1 Leather Binding 208
6.2 Binding Structures 216
6.3 Caring for bindings 221
6.4 Solvent-set book repair tissue 228
6.5 Board slotting – a machine supported book conservation method 231
Summary 249
Multiple Choice Questions 249
Review Questions 251
References 252
Chapter 7 The Conservation of Archaeological Leather 253
7.1 The Archaeology Context of Leather 254
7.2 Leather: On-Site Conservation 262
7.3 Wet Leather 270
7.4 Dry Leather 284
Summary 295
Multiple Choice Questions 296
Review Questions 297
References 298
Index 299